Thursday, September 22, 2011


Keep up with my unique gifts!!! New stuff shows up every week, and you never know what you might find.
My website and sewing machine will both be back up and running again. Until then, we're still making sure you can get what you love while we reduce, reuse, and recycle! Think green!!!!
Peace and love!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Deja Vu

After being forced to take a hiatus from my projects for personal reasons, I'm back and trying to simply fall into the best place for me. My sewing machine is not set up (one of the dominoes in the spill let to a reorganization of our home recently). In the midst of chaos......BANG.....a beautiful collision where my obsession with combing thrift stores, my love of photography, and my passion for sewing and crafting have collided.
I'm back.
Hopefully it will stick. I will have another forced hiatus coming up, but hopefully it won't be more than a week or two.
So, please check out my Ebay shop, my Etsy shop, and, hopefully, I will finally have my personal website back up and rolling soon. OR I may just rely on my blog for a while.
Be sure to follow!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Gone but not forgotten...

I dedicated November and December to my family. It was too cold to do an outdoor show, and, I found, that we were so busy with holiday preparations, that I did not have time to work on things the way I had hoped. So, being my own boss, I just took off. Yes, it was nice, thank you.

I'd planned to re-appear in January with a fully updated website and blog posts and a BIG BANG.....and we got a BIG BANG sure enough, but it pulled me way away from all of this.

Adam got a large commission job. Now, when I say large commission job, don't get giddy at the thought of $$ pays....a little in terms of the green stuff.....but a LOT in terms of exposure. We'll be able to make the announcement soon regarding when and where you will be able to see the pieces.

in the meantime, I have re-opened my Etsy shop and have added a few items. I will be adding a little more this week and next. However, the sewing and crafting side of things has definitely taken a back seat to recent event planning and small scale photography. All of that is going to be a major component of the new website overhaul.

So, yes, it is all still coming, just all still very much in the works. Thanks for staying with me. This years already promises to be fun and very interesting!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

First Stroll of the Fall

Visit the sites above for info on Saturday's downtown stroll! Come out! We'll be there!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Last Art Stroll of the Summer

Come out Thursday - downtown around the square - 4:30-8:30. This is the last stroll of the year. I have been dedicated to event planning all summer and have not expanded my inventory, but have tons of cute things that haven't already sold that I will have out AND Adam will have out some amazing art work as always.

See you on Thursday!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

So many new things....

so little time to take photos and post. I have dropped everything for the baby showers I have been doing (watch for some of those photos soon). I am in a mad rush now to finish a few new things for this week's stroll.

I have a 12 month boy's OPUS OCTOPUS onesie......a boy's birthday bib with a big brown and orange "1", a baby girl skirt that is ridiculous, and this vintage apron turned girl's dress (size 2 T or 3T)......and, as always, will have tons of other inventory to include baby taggie blankies (DON'T MISS "EVEN COWGIRLS GET THE BLUES"), bibs, baby and girl clothes, wacky art, talented art via Adam, jewelry.....shall I continue???? Who has seen my little girl frames? They are silly cute.

Adam has expanded the graffiti collection and is doing a series on previously loved dilapidated and worn....fabulous stuff.....

And the pirate ship is up for grabs.

Seriously, come out - and tell everyone you know. What else is there to do in Huntsville on a Thursday night?